In this section I will be adding wildlife camera pictures and logging all wildlife sightings for this Winter 24/25

The homemade bird table (below) has been replaced and new pole type fitted. I have monitored to ensure no rodent is able to access the bird food. Long tailed tits are joined by a Robin Great Tit two Long Tailed Tits that have moved into the orchard. There is a small flock of about eight Long Tailed Tits which are fascinating highly vocal and excitable birds. I haven't yet located their nests but hope to add photos and information as they continue to flourish.
A variety of nutrition attracts diversity of species. The downside is the potential to spread disease. The feeders are washed and cleaned every 10 to 14 days and the contents changed.

Greater Spotted Woodpecker with some Great tit company

Pigeons' and Magpies never seem in short supply

The Muntjac deer grabs a snack. A very destructive species for orchard's as they ring bark trees and destroy the regeneration of key plants in woodlands.

Great tits seem to have healthy population levels

Magpies and Raven pairs competing for food
Blackbirds are around but in lesser numbers
Small flock of Wagtails